confessional wednesday 2
2004-03-31 - 11:27 p.m.

I confess that....

- I need my life straightened out before I graduate.

- I need to get up off my lazy butt and study some more.

- I need to think about other things beside "the boy" and our "special moment" that we'll have much, much later in the future.

- I tend to fear more what I don't understand.

- I get real jealous when I'm around couples and I'm all by myself.

- I don't think Usher is cute (and u better not be cussin me out on my t-board b/c that won't be tolerated... It's my taste so deal with it)

- My first crush was JFK Jr. (It's creepy how I saw him at a Yankees game on Ch. 11 two days before he died.)

- I'm a girly-girl on the inside. I like glitter, the color pink, talking about boys and I still read teen magazines.

- My line # isn't official. It's unofficial and I am the 9th person on the roster for my pledge class (line). I use it when necessary. (I'm 9 out of 12)

- I'm losing my NY accent and I hate it. I'm a die-hard New Yorker for life and I will never call myself a southerner.

justified | stripped