Three ?s (Will be edited later)
2004-05-04 - 3:21 p.m.

Okay someone asked me their three questions and I have three answers for them.

These questions came from Nic

1) What drew you to A-Phi-O (I hope that right), If u could do it over would u pursue them?

Yeah Nic, you got it right, LOL. I was trying to find my calling in life and I figured out that my calling was to help others. Actually my mentor and her sorors (who are all Deltas) sparked an interest in me for doing community service by showing me different ways that I could help out at my church (I ended up being a tutor to kids struggling in English, government, and history & I also helped prepared sandwiches that were to be distributed to the homeless in downtown Newport News). I realized that I had fun while helping others for free and I wanted to be in an organization that helped out in their community. At the same time, I was researching all the sororities (predominately black and predominately white) on campus. I ended up talking to my co-worker Ana and she told me about all the things that APO did on campus and in the community. I was also talking to some members of G-Phi-B (Gamma Phi Beta) who were my co-workers but they didn't have an intake process that fall & I didn't feel right with them @ the time. I ended up going to rush in the fall with APO, asked them any questions that I may have, mingled with the brothers, and on Sept. 13, 2002 I was pinned :). Oh yeah Ana became my great-grandbig in the fraternity too :)

Would I have done it over?

It pains me to say this but no. My chapter was so much fun and they were lively when I was pledging, but a major accident happened at my probate (I'm not allowed to talk about it) that almost made the whole chapter collapses. Half the chapter left, my dean of pledgees was also covering up other issues that the chapter needed to discuss and I almost got kicked out of school for some things my line brothers did @ my probate. Also this semester a lot of the pledges were contemplating about quitting b/c their pledge process was too long (b/c the e-board couldn't decide when they should cross) and they only crossed two weeks ago. I was the assistant dean of pledges and I ended up naming the line "Tried and True.� I named my grandlil "Perseverance" b/c she kept on going even though she wanted to give up. But I made an oath to my fraternity to stay committed to my chapter & the organization and I don't want to break it.

2) Whats the stupidest thing to come out of someones mouth down at CNU?

Mmm, let's see. As you all may know my school is almost 100% white yet it's within a half hour of two HBCU's, Hampton and Norfolk State, LOL. There have been many problems with diversity on campus but for some reason there is a lot of diversity within the Greek system (meaning there are more blacks in the white sororities and fraternities than Black Greeks combined) (I keep talking about this b/c it amazes me), but anyhow NAACP President told me that one day President Tri.ble came to her classroom one day to talk about diversity and she was the only black person (and only minority) in the room. So President Tri.ble said, "Wow this room is very diverse.� NAACP Pres. wanted to jump across that table and slap him, LOL. She came out of class heated. I would have been too. Some of the administration needs racial sensitivity training I swear, LOL.

3) Do you think there is Hawaii Boy has any place in your future?

Mmm that's a good question, This has been going on in my head for a while. He's going to be teaching on this side of the water (he's graduating from ODU on Saturday, hehe) This also means that he may have more time for me. I broke up with him my freshman year b/c he was too busy to even give me a phone call. Now he's taking the time to call me, visit me and talk to me on AIM. If I had to marry either AZ, "the boy" or Hawaii Boy today it would be him. Either he's going to be my husband in the future or he's going to remain my best friend. So either way he's going to be in my life.

Thanks for playing, Nic. Anyone else (whether or not you're on my buddy list can play)

::edit 1::

Okay these questions came from Angie (I would link her but she's locked, lol)

(1) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Hmmm, I'm not exactly sure yet but it would be between these places:

Atlanta: The culture, the nightlife, being around strong black people; I would feel at home automatically

Paris: It's one of the fashion capitals of the world, I like their culture as well, and there's tons of places to shop! :)

London: It's one of the oldest cities in the world, I love their accents and I love studying the British Monarchy (yeah I'm such a geek :-p)

2) What's your favourite thing about NYC?

Hmmm I don't know what to choose. I would say the diversity. Here in Virginia, you're only black or white. In New York there are people from places all over the world. I love learning about new cultures and hearing about what life was like in their homeland. Part of my heritage comes from immigrants (Irish) and it's cool that I can relate to them in a way.

3) What do you say to ppl who credit evolution for the creation of man and of the universe?

- I will point out Genesis 1 & 2 and tell them my view on evolution and tell them why I believe that God created the heavens and the earth. People are going to believe what they want to believe and like liz said to Jen about the whole Nelly not coming to Spelman thing, you can't save them all. I just tell people what I believe and if they want to argue with me, I'll argue with them. If I can't answer a question, I'll research it until I find it and get back with them on it, but I'm not going to pester them to death about it. Instead I'll pray for them.

Okay, Angie thanks for playing... keep the questions coming folks.....

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